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Arty Bub

Scorpio Mermaid A3 Print Only

Scorpio Mermaid A3 Print Only

Regular price $8.99 AUD
Regular price Sale price $8.99 AUD
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This item is on sale as the background pink is slightly faded, more of a lighter pink than in the image supplied.
Each zodiac sign features its very own, unique mermaid that is specifically designed to compliment your character.
Each print explains your personality, character, quirks and traits through the eyes of our stars. You will be surprised how accurate these are!
Excitingly you can select your mermaids hair colour to match yours.
"Scorpio child you are passionate, mysterious and cheeky. As a water sign you have a magnetic charm and strong intuition. One of your admirable strengths is your strong will, once you decide upon a path you are determined to follow it. You are ruled by two planets, pluto and mars. These planets complement each other like fire and ice and this explains why you darling scorpio have a mysterious aura about you."
All wording is protected by copyright and the intellectual property of Arty Bub.
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